Purple Bobblehead Bunny Youth


Cereal was always a staple for me in the mornings before school. My house was always filled with many flavored, fruity cereals that me and my brother would always eat to start our day. While cereal isn't the best for you, part of being a kid is not caring about the health effects of what you're eating. To take this photo I separated each color of fruit loop to put them in rainbow order. My goal was to show a lot of texture in the image since the cereal itself had a lot of texture.

This photo was inspired by the childhood book series, I Spy. The books contain many different images taken by Walter Wick that are filled with a variety of objects, the goal being to find certain ones throughout the picture. I was inspired by these books for this photo as I would spend hours flipping through pages, trying to find a letter or animal. I took this photo by placing different items that relate to my interests as a kid on top of a glass table, and getting underneath to take the photo.
I’ve always been interested in music, it’s something I picked up from my dad. When I was younger, a lot of the music I grew up with was played on CDs. That's where the inspiration for this photo came from, my love for music combined with the bright rainbow reflections that come from light bouncing off the thin layer of film covering the CD.
A tradition I’ve always had with my mom is going to dinner or lunch, then to the theater to watch a play production. At the restaurant I would always order the very sugary milkshake that was topped with ice cream, sprinkles and anything candy. The drinks always looked bright and colourful, that's how I came up with the idea to make my own for a photo. However don't be fooled, this drink is actually pretty nasty, just blue water with whipped cream on top.
Bright colours are associated with children since they need to be surrounded by them in order to learn them. I wanted to mix the idea of bright colours and stickers to bring a childish feel to something that I started to enjoy when I became a teenager, Makeup. Me and Liv spent many hours perfecting a makeup look that would be both bright but also interesting for taking a photo. The colourful eyeshadow along with the stars and glitter all add to the theme of youth!
Most of my photos from when I was a kid were taken on digital cameras by either my parents or grandparents. I wanted to capture the concept of a digital camera but by taking it on a newer camera. Thats why I got my friend Olivia to pose for me, taking a photo with the digital camera while I take one of her on my DSLR camera. I also think it's interesting how cameras have developed over the years, and your able to see that in this photo.

Artist Statement

The theme chosen for my themed photography is youth. I want the photos to be a showcase of childhood and fun. As you get older, you approach farther and farther away from being a kid, but the carefree mindset and innocence doesn't necessarily have to leave as we grow up. When we age, the world around us becomes consumed with stress, anxiety and constant worry. I want my images to capture the feeling of being a little kid that only worries about what they're gonna play later or eat for a snack. To be able to bring back the exciting and free spirit of being young is my goal through my six photos. As I approach the end of high school I want to remind myself more to appreciate the time I have left in my youth before I fully grow up.

!NOTE! Some of the writing in this website is not fully gramatically correct, it's done on purpose to fit the theme of internet culture for the time.
